Minggu, 04 Desember 2011


Hi, My name's indriani kusuma.
I want to tell you about my experince.
Let's talk....
Ummh.. by the way have you ever read my first posting about "belajar menjadi yang terbaik" in http//indrianikusuma.blogspot.com,
if you ,i will start now.
My experience related with my first posting.

So ,in that time,my mother command me to take soy sauce in the kichen. So, I go to the kichen. But I take a plate because I want to buy "batagor". But in "batagor place" was full and many buyer. I was annoyed. when I was waiting I think I am forgeting something, when i remember,....
"astagfirullah.. I was forgeting my mother's command. I forget to take soy sauce for her. So, I hurry up go home and take the soy sauce and than come to mama.

Mama ask me : Why you late?
Indri                : I forget mam, sorry.
Mama             : Where are your "batagor"?
Indri                : heheh.... I do not buy yet, because I forgot about your soy sauce. so finally I do not buy.
Mama             : hmmm....I was proud if my daughter according to of my commands.

So, the conclusion is with a little goodness that really usefull for other. and it will be better for us.
So,remember!!!! you must be the best for your parents and others.

Nama siswa : Indriani Kusuma
No induk     : 09101066